Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Super Clean Brownie a.k.a Black Beans Brownies

You know that I'm an active Instragram user, don't you? Well~ I'm addicted to IG more than other SNS. 
IG helps me to find what my real passion is. And yeah~ "healthy cooking & baking" is the answer! 
On IG I can find so many people who have the same interests as me. and they inspired me! 
Below is one of my favorites recipe which I found on IG.

Are you a chocoholic? have you ever felt guilty after eating a big slice of brownie?
Now.. you don't have to! Make this... the day after taste even better. Trust me!

Black Bean Brownies

Ingredients :
  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed.
  • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil (I used canola oil)
  • 1/3 cup oats flour
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar (or use more honey)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

EASY! Just throw all the ingredients into the food processor. Process it until smooth and well combined. Pour the batter into baking dish and bake it for 30 minutes or until  a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let it cool for awhile before cutting and serving.

Just enjoy this clean brownie with smile... :)

Hello 2014...!

Waa!!!! It has been a year since the last time I posted something... My bad~ >.<
I was busy studying English... You do know how bad my english is, don't you? haha...
I went to Melbourne last June and took IELTS test there and officially a good English user now! yay~ ^^

                        St. Kilda, Melbourne

I’m not sure whether I can keep posting something in the future or not.. but will try to do so.. J
What makes me happy is I’m one step closer to my dreams.. Huray! After discussed it many times I just felt so tired and was about to give up. But, you know what?! At the end my parents let me to learn patisserie in Melbourne. My course will start on 22 April. Oh no~ I’m so excited!

Though my real passion is healthy cooking & baking, patisserie can be a good stepping stone, don’t you think so?

Ah~ I need to find a job as soon as I arrive in Melbourne. I’ll save some money and use it for joining some nutritional cooking classes. Wish me luck! ^^

My future posts might be kinda mixed between my new life, healthy food recipes, and what my school teaches me to make. So… catch you pretty soon! Much Love..
